Friday, August 5, 2016

Moving Cross-Country

Together is my favorite place to be

These last couple weeks have been crazy busy. Packing, loading, goodbyes, driving, driving, driving, unloading, and unpacking are just the overview of things. Emotions and boxes are stacked high. I have had no time to even think about my blog, so I'll tell you all about my last 3 weeks here.

I moved from North Carolina to Utah. It was a big jump and culture change. It took 5 days of driving but once I saw my friends again, it was all worth it.

My dad drove the moving truck and my mom followed behind in our car. We would often switch between the two vehicles 3 to 4 times a day. Me and my brothers always fought for who would ride in the truck (it was more fun than the car).

Driving across North Carolina, Tennessee, and Missouri was gorgeous. It was so lush and green. We drove through Nashville and St. Louis. We also saw the St. Louis LDS temple next to the highway. But, once you hit Nebraska through Utah, it's nothing but corn fields and desserts. That was the worst of the drive because there was nothing to look at.

 After we made it to Utah (finally) we had to drive 5 more hours to Idaho to stay with my grandma. We weren't allowed in our house for a couple days so why no see family you haven't seen in a year?

But, after 2 weeks, we moved into our house. So many people came to help us and introduce themselves. We immediately felt at home. Once the truck was empty and everyone had gone to their homes, that's when the real "fun" began.

We are now surrounded by boxes to unpack.

This house definitely needs some updating and a basement to finish...

but at least we finally have a roof over our heads that we can call home.

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